Bond Referendum Information
For more than a half century, Central Carolina Community College has been an integral part of the Lee County community. From the first vocational classes offered in 1961 to the graduating classes of 2014, Lee County residents have enrolled and received a high-quality education to assist them in achieving their career goals. A well-educated workforce has also spurred the community's economic development. Businesses and industries across the county employ dedicated and well-trained 体育博彩app graduates. Thousands of Lee County residents claim Central Carolina Community College as their alma mater, the school that prepared them for the workforce or advanced education. The college has moved into its second half century of service to the community, but many of its facilities date back almost to the college's beginnings. Others are newer, but still require modernization to meet the needs of the students and community. The students, faculty, staff, and administrators of Central Carolina Community College hope that this information will help you to better understand the necessity for improving the college facilities to continue its quality service to the people of Lee County in the 21st century.
For more information on the bond referendum, please refer to the materials below: